Introducing the group plantings made from seedlings obtained this fall and winter.

So here is the completed form.

Pansy SS Selection “Orange Slice”
Princess Clover “Estel”
sweet alyssum
Tsunotan Viola “Mickey”
Hedera “Golden Cecily”

It’s a little hard to see, but the red-black color of the princess clover “Estelle” in the back right,
Pansy SS selection “Orange Slice” squeezed brown,
Create a connection with the deep purple color of Tsunotan Viola “Mickey”
The yellow of Pansy SS selection Orange Slice'' and the yellow of HederaGolden Cecily”,
I tried using white Tsunotan viola “Mickey” and white sweet alyssum.
Oh, I also wanted the “line” effect, so I also planted Karex Bronze Curl in the gap.

The pots are brown, so it’s a pretty flashy combination, but I think it fits in somehow.
It’s an unexpected combination for me, but I think it turned out quite well and I like it.

Best of all, when you bring your face close to it, you can smell the sweet alyssum scent.
It’s very soothing, so I look forward to seeing it every day.

All of them are growing vigorously, so I want to keep them looking good by adding scissors here and there.
I’m looking forward to seeing how things will change in the spring.

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