
Overwintering in Sanbritainia ~ Progress Part 2 ~
With spring in the air, I’m curious about the state of the winter group.
The one that really caught my eye was Sambritenia Scarlet.
Click here for last month’s record →How to Winterize Sanbritainia Safely ~ Progress Part 1

It’s been about a month and a half since the last time.
The buds were starting to run out of power, and I was thinking, “Well, if it’s not good enough, I’ll just buy a new one.”
The sun was shining brighter and it was getting warmer, and before I knew it, it had grown quite large.



Thanks to the recent sunshine and high temperatures, the two new buds are now fluffy. It is already 10cm to 20cm wide.
On the other hand, the original stock part was neither Un'' norSun”.
However, the roots are firmly established, so I am leaving it alone so as not to forcefully remove it.

Last year, due to lack of water, the roots died and became woody.
I try to water before the soil changes color, at which point I wonder if there’s more.


There are no dead leaves on either of them, so I think they are correct.


Other than that, here’s how to take care of it.

◆If the maximum temperature is below 17℃ and the minimum temperature is below 7℃
Leave it in the house day and night. During the day, move it to the window to get some sunlight, and at night, move it away from the window.

《 ↑↓If it was during this time, I would take them outside during the day and bring them into the house at night. 》

◆Highest temperature around 20℃ and lowest temperature around 10℃
Leave it outside day and night.

Additionally, in preparation for the growing season, I started giving liquid fertilizer and stationary fertilizer this month.

Actually, I was worried about the fact that I had planted it in cheaper soil, and was thinking about repotting it.
According to the growing instructions on the official website, April and May are best.
Maybe after it gets stable and warm.
Come to think of it, only the sets of buds that were inserted while it was warm remained, so temperature may be a very important point.

If you’ve come this far, you’ve made it through the winter successfully! I don’t know what you think.
I wonder if it will be more difficult to adjust the amount of watering from now on.

Well, experiment with anything.
I’ll continue to write about what happens. I hope we can be together for a long time.

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