Today’s balcony – Before summer –
Today’s temperature was 25℃/17℃, although it felt humid but there was a refreshing breeze.
The signs of spring are gone, and it feels like summer is finally here.
This is what the balcony looks like today.

First of all, the nasturtiums that stand out most at home right now are the seeded nasturtiums. The buds are coming out one after another and are very energetic.
The oranges are blooming nicely.

For some reason, the yellow color tends to be buried under the leaves.

As a side note, nasturtiums keep well even as cut flowers.
I thought, “What’s wrong with this?” because of the bright colors, but when I tried to decorate it,
I really liked it because it looks like early summer. I want to live a lot.

Next, this is the Shirotaegikku.
Flowers just don’t bloom. I hope it blooms soon as it takes up a lot of space.

I honestly feel that the new buds of the southern sky are beautiful. The various greens are pleasing to the eye.
I bought the seedlings for 30 yen after New Year’s, and I’m happy that they seem to have taken root.

The Nagasaki lavender “Little Mummy” that I slightly pruned the other day is also doing well now.
I feel like I feel better after cutting the flowers. The second flower is opening now.

Speaking of energy, Pelargonium ‘Grand Passo Plus’ is also producing lots of buds.
It seems that it blooms until before summer, so the flowering season is not long,
I started to think that such plants are also nice.

Petunia ‘Easy Wave’ yellow is also producing more flowers and is very cute.
I don’t think cutting back is necessary at this point, but what do you think?

Finally, fixed point observation Margaret.
The yellow dotted line is the original line, which is currently being carefully pruned. I think I’ll be done in 2 or 3 more times.
It bloomed really well.

Now is a very precious moment, as the seasons of flowers that are in season in summer overlap with those that end before summer.
I have to be careful about taking care of it when it rains and it runs out of water, but I want to enjoy it and enjoy the present moment to the fullest.

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