It’s so hot! Today’s temperature is 33℃/26℃.
This time, we will introduce the aftermath of “cutting back and pruning during the rainy season, part 2,” which took place exactly one month ago.

First, let’s look at the overall image of Calibrachoa “Uno Double” Orange.
I forgot to take the photo and took it in a hurry before 7pm, so it’s dark, but I appreciate that (?).

The leaves are bigger than before, and the branches seem to be stronger.
I think it’s good that I cut it back, or rather that the heat is good for it.
When it just blooms, it’s a deep red color like this.

It’s fun to see the expression gradually fade.

The flowers are a little small, but they are blooming in large numbers, so it’s enough.
I want it to grow thicker and more fluffy from now on.
In the future, I plan to remove the core from time to time to encourage branching.

Next is Baby Sunrose.
If you look closely at this after cutting it back, you will see that
There were so many insects on the underside of the leaves (tears) that it was already hard to remove them, so I gave up or rather threw them out.
It must have had a lot of flowers by now, but I’m already busy taking care of it, so this is a good thing.
No regrets!

So, that’s it for today.
It’s hot, so I’ll continue to take care of myself and blog.

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