What I found on Instagram this winter is
A collection of lilies of the valley, white primroses, white crocuses, and some other things.
It was all white, but I admired how pure and cute it was.
At the end of the year, I found budding bulbs of lily of the valley and daffodils.
She put it in the basket without thinking, and when she returned home, she realized it was a lily of the valley.
Then, as the year began, she found white primroses. It was the last one.
lily of the valley daffodil
Warbler series “Primula Malacoides” white
I also found some petticoat daffodils, but the planters I have are small.
The primroses seem to have a lot of volume, and the lily of the valley daffodils have five bulbs and look like they’ll grow big, so I decided to just use those.
I planted it and it looks like this.
I also took some cuttings from the silver lace that I accidentally broke.
The primroses are budding, but they don’t look like they’ll bloom yet, and the lily of the valley and daffodils are still a long way off.
I guess it’s at its peak in late spring.
The winter will be short and the spring-like temperatures will last for a long time, so it’s interesting to be able to enjoy the plants at different times than the already lively plants.
Let’s look forward to growth.