My violas have grown taller due to the continued high temperatures.
On the 15th, I decided to prune it because it looked so bad. This time I sorted out the gray.

First of all, before. It was so thick that small flowers were starting to appear.

Now, cut.
Compared to the previous blue, the stems were longer and less dense, making it easier to prune.
And like this.

Here are the results.

Enjoy the viola bouquet after pruning.
This time I plated it flat like a field in a pie plate.
I felt lonely with just one color, so I decided to prune and mix in yellow and dark purple as well.

very cute. Very satisfied.

I noticed two things this time.

·kinds? The viola grows differently depending on the type.
Last time’s blue was tightly packed, and this time it was sparse.
Tight trees may be difficult to prune.

  • Don’t worry about pruning.
    I felt like it was too much to do all at once,
    If you use cut flowers on a regular basis and prune them little by little, they may stay in good condition for a long time. I thought.

Looking back, I realized that the blue might have been overdone (lol).
Gray is ok. It might have been better to leave some leaves on.

However, I didn’t regret it first.
Let’s think about what we can do with the remaining yellow, rose pink, and blue-purple colors.

Will it be revived in the future? Let’s look forward to it.

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