Today’s balcony -buds under the scorching heat-
Today’s temperature is 36℃/27℃ with a crisp, dry wind that feels like summer.
Even in this heat, plants will still produce buds.

First up is Super Geranium Champion “Orange”.
Even though I was suffering from high temperature problems, I was able to raise my buds.
Of course it’s small compared to spring, but I’m happy enough.
I have a few more buds on standby, but I wonder if they will all grow properly.

Impatiens are blooming steadily in this heat.
The buds tended to wither and fall off without blooming.
When I increased the frequency of watering, they started opening one after another. I’m so happy and beautiful.

Farinacea Evolution, which has been planted for about two weeks,
Sprout? I’m trying to put on something that looks like a bud, but it looks like it’s burning in the heat?
It looks like it’s growing well, so I’m looking forward to the cooler weather.

I also found buds on the cutting rose “Cocktail”…
It was beautiful, but I quickly removed it. I hope you get through the summer in good health!

Finally, we found buds on the long-awaited Sambritenia Scarlet!
There’s only one thing left, but I’m relieved.
From what I’ve observed, once one bud blooms, they will bloom one after another, so I’m really looking forward to what’s to come!

Even though it’s so hot, I think plants are really tough.
I’m grateful enough that you’re still alive, but I’d be happy if you could bloom into buds.
Let’s look forward to seeing it bloom.

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