Today’s balcony – currently being prepared –
It has been chilly for the past few days, and today’s temperature is 16℃/10℃.
However, the plants are growing steadily. This is what the balcony looks like.

First of all, bellflower is the most in season right now. Completely in full bloom.

I wonder if there are many similar photos, but I post them with the excuse that it’s just for now.
It’s so gorgeous and cute.

I took this photo because the color combination with the Calibrachoa and pansies I got the other day was wonderful.
I love the combination of blue, reddish purple, and orange. It feels like summer.
I plan to plant calibrachoa next week after pulling out these pansies.

Speaking of gerberas in full bloom!
The leaves were so crowded that my family decided to prune them without permission.
I’ll wait and see if this works or not. But at least his neck seems to have grown.

The mini Phalaenopsis orchids are blooming more and more right now, so I’ll be posting a lot of them.
He maintains his physical strength by letting the buds wither and adjusting himself.

The swollen buds before blooming are also cute.

I wish it would bloom more slowly and for a longer time, but I have no choice but to leave it to you.
So cute, Betsuna-san!

And what made me happy was strawberries! It’s finally starting to change color.
It’s bearing a lot of fruit and I’m really looking forward to the future.

I was relieved to see the lace lavender that I had pruned at the beginning of March bloom.

Sambritenia scarlet has also put on buds over the winter, and the first flowers of the year are about to bloom.

Lewisia ‘Hana Sango’ also has second flower buds.

Super Geranium Champion “Orange” also has large buds.
I got this one at the end of March and I think it has grown quite a bit.

The Geum Orange Hobbit, which I thought was over, is budding again. happy!

The nasturtiums are also growing steadily and are now 10cm tall. I have to thin it out.

Even though I had planted it in a pot and left it without any buds, buds started to appear after a delay.
This means that 7 out of 14 seeds have been successfully harvested. This is enough for a normal family.

I also look forward to eating nasturtiums.
I’ve seen it taste sour and spicy, but I wonder what it tastes like. I think it’s nutritious.

Finally, fixed point observation Margaret.
Even though it was cool the day before yesterday and yesterday, I was running out of water a lot, and I was starting to feel weak. I’m sorry.
My appearance has become quite disorganized.

When you arrange the photos like this,
I think most of them are currently in season, and most of them are preparing for the next season.
It looks like temperatures will continue to be around or below normal, so spring may be quite long this year.

However, even though it’s not hot, it runs out of water, so I have to watch carefully.
I’ll be worried if spring lasts a long time, but I’m happy.
I want to fully enjoy this moment.

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