Growing nasturtiums from seeds

I found some nasturtium seedlings at the supermarket last week.She remembered that last year she had fallen in love with a collection of nasturtiums in a book she borrowed.However, a pretty nice seedling costs 800 yen… She was thinking about it when she saw seeds for sale on the shelf in front of her.She had

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Today’s balcony -Starting in April

Today’s balcony -Starting in April-April is here in the blink of an eye.Today’s maximum temperature is 24℃, so hot that it looks like the cherry blossoms will fall.It’s finally the second half of the same spring, and today’s balcony looks like this. First of all, Lewisia ‘Hanasango’ is in season now.I think it likes temperatures

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That plant (person) is now…

I think there was a TV program with that title a long time ago…?Well, today I’m going to tell you about the care and what happened after. First up is Adiantum Fragrance. It grows slowly and is very cute. Lots of new buds, everything is going well♪I’m looking forward to what’s to come. Next is

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Sambritenia Scarlet ~2023 Early Spring Edition~

Sambritenia Scarlet ~2023 Early Spring Edition~Sambritenia Scarlet, which I have cherished since last fall.It has been growing rapidly due to the recent warmth. When I took it outside this morning, I hit it and broke it (tears).Where the circle is broken. It was a nice branch, about 20cm long, so I decided to take cuttings.

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Today’s balcony -warm colored flowers

Today’s balcony -warm colored flowers-Lately, there has been a huge difference in temperature between morning and evening.Introducing plants that are still in full bloom. First of all, garden cyclamen. It’s probably at its peak now.The dark red color is very cute. It has been blooming for a really long time since autumn. Next up is

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Geranium overwintering sharing

In preparation for this summer’s ideal “Red Garden”,Geranium Moonlight ‘Senbaro’ that I acquired last fall.It grows very well and produces lots of flower buds, so I decided to add more pots. I was actually planning on adding more pots around April or May, butIt’s already been a month of high temperatures, so I thought it

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Today’s Veranda -Flowers Only Edition

Today’s Veranda -Flowers Only Edition- First up is Lewisia “Hanasango”.It’s full of energy that makes you think that now is the best season.The color with the neighboring Hedera Golden Cecily is clean and beautiful. Next is Geranium Moonlight ‘Senbaro’.I feel like this is always in season. It keeps growing and blooming. I plan to add

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Viola pruning, part 3 – Rose pink

The high temperatures in Osaka will continue for a month, and Viola has grown tired and is feeling tired.We are currently on a pruning campaign to refresh it.Today, I picked up a rose pink viola and an extra edition violet. First of all, rose pink? Viola from “Vivi Her Wine Antique”.This is what it looks

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